Magazine Genres

Hi there, back again with a new adventure – today we were all in groups, sent loose on the people of Huddersfield all in the name of journalism. Our task this week was to find out how many different magazine genres there are (there’s a lot by the way…), to find bizarre names of magazines and to find out exactly what people are reading.
What I (and 2 of my fellow students) found out was that women in particular, liked to read gossipy, so-called ‘shooting-the-breeze’ type of magazines such as ‘Chat’ and ‘Take a Break’, whilst men in general liked the hobby-centric magazines, such as ‘British Woodworking’ and ‘Photoshop CS6’. One woman we interviewed liked ‘Take a Break’ saying “I liked the celebrity gossip”.
On our adventure, we were shocked to find on closer inspection, that there were more than 40 types of magazines! Just some of these included knitting, fishing, motoring, holidays, home & lifestyle, sci-fi, weddings and hair. There were so many – we simply didn’t have time to write them all down, but as seen in the picture below, there are tons!

(image taken from

We also found out that there was a ‘Trout & Salmon’ magazine (insert shocked face here), which surprised my group and the rest of the class, once we’d told them all. As the craft market is getting popular I thought I’d take a look at some magazines centred around that. One magazine that stood out to me was ‘Crafter’s Inspiration’, which is part of the Country and Lifestyle section – a specialist craft magazine catered to the needs of beginners and advanced people alike. The magazine also has freebies from time to time including free CDs, stamp sets and cards if you wanted to start crafting yourself.
So as you can see, we unearthed quite a lot during our session today – until the next adventure.

Neela 🙂

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