Reviewed – Big Hero 6

Happy Saturday everyone – hope you’re all having a great one! Have a fun weekend whatever you’re up to (and maybe let me know what you did by commenting :D). As promised here I am with another post after so long. Hope you enjoy it!

So I watched Big Hero 6 a few weeks ago, and like anyone else I thought that this was going to be like Frozen all over again; over-hyped, over-promoted and overly annoying. It was a surprise then, to see such a aesthetically pleasing film that has a plot line which is complex yet simple enough for both adults and children alike to understand. Not many would realise, but Big Hero 6 is in fact inspired by the superhero Marvel comic (of the same name), which takes place in Japan originally, instead of the fictional San Fransokyo (portmanteau of San Francisco and Tokyo) portrayed in the film.

(Below are examples of the animation that can be seen in the film. Note: I screenshot these images myself, however I don’t claim the work to be mine as it is owned by Disney)

Baymax is revealed to Hiro for the first time. San Fransokyo City. Hiro and Bayman sat on a hot air balloon.Baymax after his upgrade (Baymax 2.0)

The film is a action filled comedy, which will certainly make you leave the cinema feeling entertained. Disney Studios’ animators have also done a commendable job, as the animation is enough to make you wonder exactly how they animated it so realistically – especially during the flying and superpower scenes. What strikes me most however, is how the relationship between Hiro (one of the protagonists) and his older brother Tadashi is portrayed. The brothers are inseparable, with the older one being a mentor as well as a brother to his younger sibling.

The story does have some surprises, and its the way it shows how grief and trauma can be overcome by happiness, that really makes this a worthwhile watch.

The film features music by the Pop/Punk band Fall Out Boy (personally, one of my favourite bands) who created ‘Immortals‘, which is featured in the soundtrack, and ‘My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)‘, also referred to as simply ‘Light ‘Em Up’, which was featured in the trailer of the film. Go and see it if you’re a fan of enjoyable animation!

Stars: 3.5 out of 5 ★★★ ½

N x

2 thoughts on “Reviewed – Big Hero 6

    • Hi. Yes it was – quite unexpectedly so, too! Nice – another Fall Out Boy fan 🙂 Yeah they have a different sound than other bands I’ve heard that’s for sure. Been a fan for almost 10 years now, and they still don’t fail to surprise me with their creativity. You’re welcome, thank you for the follow and for taking the time out to read it. Have a nice day!

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